In this Show…

Hosts: Alain Braux and Mark Moxom interview Dani Urcuyo

Daniel Urcuyo is an MD with a passion to help his patient, a passion for paleo and a passion for pizza. But as you know – pizza is not paleo by any means.

And it was not just him either. His whole family followed the paleo way of eating and they would love to eat pizza too.

So what could he do?


He involved the family and set out on a quest to find the prefect paleo pizza that is not only 100 paleo, gluten free, soy free, GMO free it is throughly delicious.

Here’s the story of a man with a mission to meat the yearning need of the Paleo masses.

In the show, you’ll find out if how he got on and what it taste like – sort of…

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The Show

About the Presenters

Mark Moxom

Mark is a multiple best selling author on food, health and business. He has had decades of experience in natural health and is an outspoken advocate of natural nutrition and drug free living. He's also the founder and executive editor of Low Carb Mag.

Your hosts - Mark Moxom and Alain Braux

Alain Braux

Alain is a French Chef by training and a Culinary Nutritionist by passion. he is also and award-winning, Amazon best-seller food and health author. On top of that, he is a speaker on GMO (genetically modified organisms) issues. Find out more about Alain