In this Show…
Hosts: Alain Braux and Mark Moxom interview John Moody
John Moody, is one of the board members of The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. He revels just what he and his colleagues do as he talks about the organization that represented small farmers and what it does to protect them and consumers from the unethical and downright unlawful actions of government agencies. He also covers what the future of local food looks like and what you can do to help the cause.
The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) has been set up to Protect the rights of farmers and consumers to engage in direct commerce
Protect the rights of farmers to sell the products of the farm and
Protect the rights of consumers to access the foods of their choice from the source of their choice.
The FTCLDF is a true grassroots organization and receives no government funding and little or no corporate funding and was launched, Independence Day, July 4, 2007. The FTCLDF is a non-profit organization recognized under the Internal Revenue Code and is classified as a “social welfare” organization.
It’s main sources of revenue are membership fees, individual donations and grants for public interest litigation from various organizations.
Show Notes
About the Presenters
Mark Moxom
Mark is a multiple best selling author on food, health and business. He has had decades of experience in natural health and is an outspoken advocate of natural nutrition and drug free living. He's also the founder and executive editor of Low Carb Mag.
Alain Braux
Alain is a French Chef by training and a Culinary Nutritionist by passion. he is also and award-winning, Amazon best-seller food and health author. On top of that, he is a speaker on GMO (genetically modified organisms) issues. Find out more about Alain
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