In this Show…
Jade Nelson comes back for our Co-Vid-19 Specials.
Diagnosed with Epilepsy at a young age Jade Nelson learned early about pain, darkness, and adversity. Each time she had a seizure she had a choice to give up or put herself back together. She choose the latter over and over again.
Jade refers to her diagnosis as a “gift”. A gift in lessons of healing that has allowed her to shape a magical mindset, which has given her the ability to flow through adversity with understanding and acceptance.
These adversities in Jade’s life guided her towards a unique nutritional approach and a career in wellness. She also developed a passion for self-care and the ability to build a healthy work-life balance for herself and for those she mentor. She have been blessed to work in the Healing Arts for 15 years as a Massage Therapist, Movement Teacher, and Holistic Health Guide.
Healing isn’t just about hope. It can be a process of actions, a gathering of knowledge, and the practice of care for the self. We all have an opportunity to heal our wounds physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.
Loss, health issues, or transitions in life all can impact your personal growth and healing. Creating a magical mindset, a nutritional approach, as well as a balance of personal care that fits our individual needs, will allow one to flow through life— no matter what type of darkness may cross our path.
Show Notes
Where to find Jade:
The Fat Fueled Mafia Group in Austin
Where Jade buys her grass feed beef
About the Presenters
Mark Moxom
Mark is a multiple best selling author on food, health and business. He has had decades of experience in natural health and is an outspoken advocate of natural nutrition and drug free living. He's also the founder and executive editor of Low Carb Mag.

Alain Braux
Alain is a French Chef by training and a Culinary Nutritionist by passion. he is also and award-winning, Amazon best-seller food and health author. On top of that, he is a speaker on GMO (genetically modified organisms) issues. Find out more about Alain
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