In this Show…

Hosts: Alain Braux and Mark Moxom interview Shannon Drake who, after sticking to an extremely healthy routine started to notice something about her favourite natural products… They were terrible and many used ingredients that were highly processed, questionably safe and just seemed ‘green washed’.
Drawing on the principals of the whole food paleo lifestyle; with, clean eating and high nutrient value – she became inspired by a passion for studying traditional beauty secrets from around the world. After that she went to work and blended potion after potion until the ultimate formulas were created. Out of all that “The Dirt” personal care business was formed. She tells us her story…

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About the Presenters

Mark Moxom

Mark is a multiple best selling author on food, health and business. He has had decades of experience in natural health and is an outspoken advocate of natural nutrition and drug free living. He's also the founder and executive editor of Low Carb Mag.

Your hosts - Mark Moxom and Alain Braux

Alain Braux

Alain is a French Chef by training and a Culinary Nutritionist by passion. he is also and award-winning, Amazon best-seller food and health author. On top of that, he is a speaker on GMO (genetically modified organisms) issues. Find out more about Alain